
Educational Technology Efficacy Research

The educational technology industry is immensely large. From physical equipment to software to everything in between. Discovering the efficacy of a particular technology on the improvement in learning or achievement in education can be a challenge; especially a monumental one if you’re a small-to-mid-sized company without a proper R&D department.

A steadfast program of Educators of America is our Education Technology Research Initiative. By partnering with Educators of America, edtech companies and organizations can understand how effective their technology product or service is in the classroom. In addition to the efficacy of specific education technology, our research program discovers how well (or not well) the technology is adopted and implemented in the classroom and overall, education system.

Through collaborative efforts, our research team including Ph.D. education professionals, experienced teachers, school district and university leaders, and entrepreneurs, delivers one to multi-year research programs that report long-term findings to your company or organization. Publication of white papers and peer-reviewed reports from the research program offers reputable backing to edtech efficacy in the areas of development, adoption, and implementation.

To learn more about our EdTech Efficacy Research Program, please reach out to Educators of America at or give us a call at 716-710-7300.

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